News - Dinner with 1983 World Cup Legend Balvinder Singh Sandhu - May 22th 7PM
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Dinner with 1983 World Cup Legend Balvinder Singh Sandhu - May 22th 7PM

05/14/2024POSTED BY Prakash Giri

Dinner with 1983 World Cup Legend Balvinder Singh Sandhu - May 22th 7PM

Join us for a meet and greet dinner buffet with the legendary Balvinder Singh Sandhu and hear him talk about the 1983 World Cup

Ballu Paaji, a hero of India's 1983 World Cup winning team, played eight Tests and 22 ODIs, but is most famous for dislodging West Indies opener great Gordon Greenidge's off-stump to give India a perfect start in the 1983 World Cup Finals ..

Dinner included with live chat, meet and greet. All proceeds will go to Ballu Paaji.​


61 Serra Way #120, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

May 22 2024 7:00p


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